
Our family got to go to an early release of the movie Shazam, and we were so excited! I was busy making costumes and totally forgot that my youngest wanted to dress up like Shazam for the movie premiere. So, I paused my work on another project and the night before the movie, we ran to the store to get some supplies before they closed so I could work on it hard the next morning. Here’s a quick video recap of the process. It was a crazy morning but I got it done.

Just as quickly, when FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention approached, my other son wanted to dress up like the brother in the blue outfit and my girls wanted to wear some Princess superhero versions of the same costumes since Zachary Levi was coming. It was another mad dash to make those with only a week left before the con.

They had a lot of fun wearing their costumes and people loved them! They got stopped a lot for photos.


See the photo of us with Zachary below. :) What an amazing human being this guy is! We will never forget this experience and his reaction when he saw my kids. He made them feel like a million bucks!
